Hey there everyone! Thanks for stopping by and visiting Homeschool Daddy. If you haven’t already, let me introduce you to who I am.

Now that that is out of the way, let’s get on down to business. I setup up this site to let me focus on organizing my thoughts around homeschooling. I’ll be sharing questions I have, things I’ve found, solutions to other people’s questions hopefully and just about anything else I can probably throw in here related to homeschooling, education, public schools, parenting and other stuff.

As the homeschool daddy (a.k.a. Principal) I’ll be talking about some of the things I’m focused on in our home. I’m usually the one teaching math and provide help on the science and geography as questions arise there too. And in our household, I’m also the one working full-time to make the payments on all the supplies we’ve been using. So, I’ll be sharing about things I find there as well.

So, introduce yourself now. Let me know who you are and what you’d be interested in hearing from me. Oh yeah, and if you’re a homeschool daddy yourself, please let me know that. I’d really like to be able to network with you and share stories over a virtual coffee!