I work outside the home as a developer and consultant and have most of my week dedicated to two key clients and then support a few dozen other clients on a regular basis. When I get home I try to be the math teacher and science and geography teaching assistant. Does that sound about the same for your house?
I’m very interested in connecting with other home schoolers and sharing resources and stories. I’m a bit of serious geek, so I’m sure much of what I’ll be sharing will have a technology bend to it. I really enjoy being a support and being helpful to people, so if you have any kind of tech questions as they might relate to your own homeschooling adventures, just let me know.
If you’d like to follow me on Twitter, I’ll be talking about homeschool, education, parenting and more while trying to participate in the conversation via @HomeschoolDaddy.
You can find me writing about a few other things online at some of my other blogs. You can read some of my other blogs and follow me on my other Twitter accounts here:
=) Bnpositive’s Blog – this is my personal blog, lots of tech and randomness
- Read =) Bnpositive’s Blog
- Bnpositive on Facebook
- Follow @Bnpositive on Twitter
- Add Bnpositive to your Google+ circles
Mission Notes | Christian Music Blog – where I try to write about Christian music and the industry as well as general topics on faith. (If you’d be interested in writing, just let me know!)
- Read the Mission Notes | Christian Music Blog
- Like Mission Notes on Facebook
- Follow @MissionNotes on Twitter
- Add Mission Notes to your Google+ circles
Positively Indy… the city of Indianapolis as I see it – I’ve been living in Indianapolis for almost 14 years now and this is where I share what’s happening in this wonderful city
- Read the Positively Indy… the city of Indianapolis as I see it blog
- Like Positively Indy on Facebook
- Follow @PositivelyIndy on Twitter
- Add Positively Indy to your Google+ circles
I go by the name “Bnpositive” just about everywhere, so if you’re ever curious as what I’m up to, just search for me. Or, if you’d prefer, just complete the form below to send me a private message.
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