Following the Leader, He Knows the Way

Following the Leader, He Knows the Way

An Update and Backstory on Our Lives This post has been a long time coming I know, but honestly getting our own thoughts around all the details of the changes that have occurred in our lives over the last few months has taken us awhile to digest and think about...
A Dad’s Involvement in Homeschooling

A Dad’s Involvement in Homeschooling

This post is compromised of a collection of thoughts I shared from someone else asking me about my involvement as a father with homeschooling. They may be published somewhere else in some kind of format, but after writing them I decided I wanted to share them here...
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Facebook

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Facebook

I came across an article the other day that just had me flabbergasted. The story was of a mother in Texas that in essence banned her daughter from Facebook and other social media outlets after she had shared a photo via Instagram that were questionable of the type of...